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Dobrodošli u park skulptura u Bregu. Ako želite da čitate na ovom sajtu na srpskom, kliknite na ovaj link.

As with all things in life fact is often stranger than fiction. The fact that there exists a sculpture park in the middle of the former Yugoslavia is however no accident. It may be seen as the modern equivalent of a Victorian folly but in reality it is nothing more than an evolution of circumstance and fate that brought an Englishman to such a relatively isolated location in what is today Western Serbia.

Henry Moore statue from Yorkshire Sculpture Park

Henry Moore 
Female Form
Yorkshire Sculpture Park

The possibility of owning hill-land in Britain is not beyond reason and having visited the Yorkshire Sculpture Park (YSP) and a more modest but equally elegant sculpture park in Guernsey more than 10 years ago, the idea of developing our own sculpture park came to mind. Given that through marriage I had acquired a large extended family in the former Yugoslavia, it is not surprising that by 1990 we had built a summer hilltop home together, alongside a small surrounding acreage. A combination of owning an Inuit Art gallery in London which was sculpture oriented, together with meeting many artists both at home and in Serbia where we spent much time on our hilltop, meant that the resultant move towards establishing our own sculpture park was subsequently not so surprising. Maybe it is not quite yet on the scale of YSP amid all those magnificent Henry Moore bronzes that I still regularly visit, but from little acorns great oaks grow. We have sown our acorn ...


Sunset over our hill

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